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Breathing Techniques and Their Impact on Musicians Through Physical Therapy

Writer's picture: Andrew SabatierAndrew Sabatier

Functional breathing mechanics are crucial for musicians to enhance their performance and endurance.

At Academy West Performance in Bend, OR, we understand the unique challenges faced by musicians and offer specialized breathing training through physical therapy to optimize their skills.

The Basics of Functional Breathing for Musicians 

Two fundamental elements of good breathing for musicians are posture and controlled breathing techniques. Both habits, instilled since birth, play a significant role in a musician’s performance. Both of these rely on the human breathing system working efficiently and effectively.

However, the majority of people have all kinds of habits when coupled with the act of playing an instrument or singing.

Posture and Breathing: The Foundation of Performance 

A functional posture is essential for optimal breathing. For musicians, maintaining good posture ensures efficient airflow and reduces unnecessary tension.

Posture begins from the movement of the diaphragm outward. We want to feel the anterior portion of the diaphragm, the part right below the bottom of the sternum, not expand outward when we inhale. This is definitely NOT THE BELLY. Though the belly does move with the diaphragm, , we want to specifically maintain diaphragmatic expansion throughout each of our inhale when singing or playing.

When standing, musicians should keep their feet shoulder-width apart, imagining a string pulling from the top of their head to keep the spine straight and aligned.

When sitting, it’s crucial to maintain a upright spine with relaxed shoulders and feet flat on the ground, ensuring the knees are at a right angle. These practices align with the Alexander Technique, which emphasizes minimizing unnecessary tension and optimizing body alignment for better breathing and performance.

Breathing Physical Therapy Bend OR

Effective Breathing Techniques 

Functional breathing is fundamental. Musicians should focus on using the diaphragm first to inhale, followed by a gradual expansion of the lower lateral chest but avoid expanding too much into the middle and upper chest. Though these parts can absolutely move when functionally breathing during all of life's activities, we want to avoid taking too deep an inhale with the chest because these muscles will result in a harsher sound when used for singing or blowing.

This is essential for sustained notes and phrases. Additionally, breathing should be silent to avoid tension in the throat. If you hear a sound while breathing, it indicates tension, which can impact performance. Let that go. This of tension in the throat or glottis when inhaling like driving with your parking brake on - not helpful. Maintaining long phrases and notes relies on the diaphragm because of it's slower twitch muscle fibers. Quick, shallow breaths often lead to anxiety and fatigue because it ramps our nervous system up. When we breathe slowly and deeply, the opposite happens - functional breathing calms us down so we can perform.

Common Breathing Issues in Musicians 

Musicians often face common breathing issues, including shallow breathing, which utilizes only the upper part of the lungs and creates all kinds of problems and inefficiencies. Tension in the throat can be caused by poor posture or dysfunctional breathing patterns. They can also lead to chronic pain in the neck, jaw, shoulders, chest, back and pelvic floor. Furthermore, someone who is chronically singing or speaking with dysfunctional mechanics can cause vocal polyps to form which require surgery!

Benefits of Functional Breathing Techniques 

Functional breathing can significantly increase lung capacity, allowing musicians to maintain sustained notes and phrases, crucial for wind and brass instruments and vocalists. It also saves energy so the person performing gets less tired.

Functional breathing can also reduce performance anxiety, enabling musicians to perform more confidently. Efficient breathing reduces fatigue during long practice sessions and performances, enhancing overall stamina.

Practical Tips for Musicians 

Incorporating breathing functional breathing into daily life as well as warm-up routines can prepare the breathing system for true performance. Musicians should combine functional breathing with skeletal muscle exercises and movement to improve their ability to move dynamically. Sings and musicians are athletes, so we want them to train with this in mind, Put functional breathing first and add layers of complexity to improve performance. At Academy West Performance, we provide tailored exercises to meet individual needs, ensuring musicians can optimize their breathing and overall performance.

Optimized breathing is a powerful tool for musicians. By integrating these techniques through physical therapy at Academy West Performance in Bend OR, musicians can achieve better performance, reduce anxiety, and enhance their overall stamina.

For personalized breathing training, consider scheduling an evaluation with Academy West Performance.

Why is Functional breathing important for musicians? 

Functional breathing enhances lung capacity, reduces performance anxiety, and increases stamina, all of which are crucial for optimal musical performance.

How does posture affect breathing? 

Good posture ensures efficient airflow and reduces unnecessary tension, which is essential for effective breathing during performances.

What is functional breathing? 

Functional breathing involves using the entire human breathing system efficiently and effectively.

  • Inhale in the nose, diaphragm first, chest second, shoulders stay still

  • Exhale by letting go and slowing down

Can functional breathing reduce performance anxiety? 

Yes, functional breathing can significantly reduce anxiety and stress, allowing musicians to perform more confidently. When your nervous system is no longer in a state of fight/flight/freeze, you are free to enjoy the joy of performance.

How can Academy West Performance help musicians?

Academy West Performance offers specialized breathing training through physical therapy, tailored to the unique needs of musicians, helping them optimize their skills and performance.

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